Our Mended Hearts Visiting Program is staffed by trained, accredited Chapter 216 members

who volunteer their time to visiting heart patients who are in the hospital due to a cardiac event. Our accredited visitors serve heart patients by listening, sharing, and offering compassionate words of hope, comfort and encouragement as experienced-based, caring individuals who have “been there-done that” when it comes to various heart procedures. The visitation program is voluntary, and patients will have the chance to give their consent to participate during their stay in the hospital.

Working with the blessing and valued support of the cardiac physicians and Mission Hospital

our visiting volunteers do their part to produce positive patient outcome for heart patients. Mended Hearts visitors bring personalized support for heart patients facing surgery, and a positive influence in assisting recovering heart patients and their caregivers to establish and maintain realistic post-surgery lifestyle expectations. Mended Hearts Visitors are living examples of survival and recovery.

Many benefits of joining Chapter 216

Our visitors also encourage new heart patients and family members to consider the many benefits of joining Chapter 216 of Mended Hearts, Inc. for continuing support, education and assistance. Patients Often have questions concerning “limits and adjustments” to their life following a heart procedure, so they can truly benefit from the support of caring individuals who have traveled the road on which they are about to embark. Communication and education are the keys to understanding and establishing lifestyle changes following heart procedures. This information, freely offered to both patients and caregivers during their hospital stay by our accredited visitors, can provide tremendous relief to ease anxiety and calm frayed nerves that are often present before, during and after a heart procedure.

We continue to be dedicated to reaching out to help others in our community.